The Best of Notable Quotables; December 28, 1998
Table of Contents:
- The Best of Notable Quotables; December 28, 1998
- Presidential Kneepad Award
- Wired Wicked Witch
- Hallucinating Hillary
- Corporal Cueball Carville
- Steve Brill Media Masochism
- Media McCarthyism
- Everybody But Us Shut Up Award
- Starr Behind Bars
- Good Morning Morons
- Move over Buddy Award
- Damn Conservatives
- Politics of Meaninglessness
- Carve Clinton into Mt. Rushmore
- Too Late For Our Judging
- Quote of the Year
- 1998 Award Judges
Good Morning Morons Award (for Foolishness in the Morning)
who’ve been polled seem to put it behind them as well, and are willing
to move on and forget about it. Is that because Bill Clinton’s been such
a great President whom they elected in great part, or is there
something I want to say almost sexy about a man who can get away with
things over and over again?”
– Good Morning America co-host Lisa McRee to Deborah Tannen, August 18. [73 points]
Couric: “Getting back to kids and guns, if you will indulge me for a
moment. You cannot think of any other position the NRA could take in
terms of trying to decrease the number of school shootings? You feel
like this is not your bailiwick, this is not your problem?”
Charlton Heston: “Not at all. As I told you the NRA spends more money, more time...”
Couric, cutting him off: “Other than education.”
Heston: “Well what would you suppose? What would you suggest?”
Couric: “I don’t know, perhaps greater restrictions.”
– Exchange on the June 8 Today. [47]
and I spoke right at the beginning of this second term. Now, with two
years left, is it something you look forward to? Do you get out there
and say ‘I want to keep going out, I want to meet people, I have more
stuff I want to do,’ or do you look and go ‘Oh, my God, two more
“There’s so much speculation now about what you’re going to
do. What Hillary Clinton’s life is going to be after the presidency. Do
you find that takes away from what you’re going to do, or do you just
like slough it off and pay no attention?”
“I’ve talked to several
people and they came up and said ‘She’s so different than I thought she
would be. She's so much more of a people person. She’s funny, she’s
nice.’ Do you think that, like, people don’t get you? I mean you get out
there and people see a different side of you.”
– Maria Shriver’s
questions to Hillary Clinton during her bus tour, July 16 Today. [44]
seconds, but I want to get this in: Janet Reno, ninety-day
investigation to look into whether a special prosecutor should be
appointed for this campaign finance thing. Is that a big problem for the
President? Has he done anything that anybody else wouldn’t have done?”
ABC’s Lisa McRee to Cokie Roberts, September 9 Good Morning America.
“Couldn’t this be just a witch hunt, couldn’t the
Democrats and President Clinton’s people who’ve been defending him all
these months be right, that even though he screwed up there’s some
political motivation there. Couldn’t that be right?”
– Lisa McRee to
humorist P.J. O’Rourke, September 10 Good Morning America. [40]