The Best of Notable Quotables; December 28, 1998
Table of Contents:
- The Best of Notable Quotables; December 28, 1998
- Presidential Kneepad Award
- Wired Wicked Witch
- Hallucinating Hillary
- Corporal Cueball Carville
- Steve Brill Media Masochism
- Media McCarthyism
- Everybody But Us Shut Up Award
- Starr Behind Bars
- Good Morning Morons
- Move over Buddy Award
- Damn Conservatives
- Politics of Meaninglessness
- Carve Clinton into Mt. Rushmore
- Too Late For Our Judging
- Quote of the Year
- 1998 Award Judges
Move Over Buddy Award (for Geraldo Rivera’s Pro-Clinton Lapdoggery)
twinkle Kenneth Starr, now we see how crude you are / Up above your
jury high, like the judge up in the sky / Twinkle, twinkle little Starr,
now we see how wrong you are / When you drag the agents in, when you
bully moms and kin / then you kiss the treacherous Tripp, twinkle,
twinkle DC drip / Twinkle, twinkle little Starr, now we see how small
you are."
– NBC News reporter Geraldo Rivera singing his version of Twinkle Little Star after playing video of U.S. Representative Mike Pappas (R-NJ) on the House floor singing his version in a birthday tribute to Kenneth Starr, July 21 Rivera Live on CNBC. [71 points]
much of his vital attention is being consumed by Ken Starr’s endless
probe, by the Monica Lewinsky saga, by the fears that his trusted Secret
Service agents will be forced to rat out the maybe gory details of his
private life....And finally, and most importantly, how can our bridge to
the 21st century feel about the slanderous charge amounting almost to
treason, that for Johnny Chung’s bribe of 100,000 lousy dollars he sold
America’s missile secrets to the Chinese, who now aim their deadly
devices at America’s children?....I watch him and I wonder how he does
it. I watch him and wonder how much is too much for any man.”
– Rivera
on Clinton’s plight, May 19 Rivera Live on CNBC. [47]
“Will all
of the media, including NBC, give even a fraction of the airtime and the
newsprint that we gave to these allegations [Filegate, Whitewater,
Travelgate] to the fact that no impeachable offenses were found? When
are we going to say to the President of the United States, ‘we’re
– Rivera, after citing a Nexis count of stories on the other
scandals, September 14 Rivera Live on CNBC. [44]
“I thought
that Linda Tripp now takes her place in the Hall of Infamy as a betrayer
of the order of Benedict Arnold in the, in the, at least in the love
‘90s...I think anybody who wrapped themselves around Linda Tripp and her
tapes is now soiled. You felt the need to take a shower. What that
woman did to her young friend is beyond the pale. I think it’s much
worse than anything Bill Clinton did.”
– Rivera as a guest expert on
NBC’s Today, November 18. [39]
“They [Linda Tripp and Lucianne
Goldberg] wanted to make money on a book but once push came to shove
they were perfectly willing to sacrifice the young former White House
intern on the altar of greed, on the altar of hatred for Bill Clinton
and his administration and I think they’re going to accomplish that at
least in the short term. But if it comes to trial Linda Tripp will be
facing some severe questioning by Monica Lewinsky’s very capable
counsel. And my God, a first year law student hearing those tapes will
be able to make her look like exactly what she is, a treacherous,
back-stabbing, good-for-nothing enemy of the truth.”
– Rivera from China
where he was covering Clinton’s visit, on CNBC’s Rivera Live, June 26.