The Best of Notable Quotables; December 28, 1998
Vol. Eleven; No. 27
Published: 12/28/1998 1:52 PM ET
Table of Contents:
- The Best of Notable Quotables; December 28, 1998
- Presidential Kneepad Award
- Wired Wicked Witch
- Hallucinating Hillary
- Corporal Cueball Carville
- Steve Brill Media Masochism
- Media McCarthyism
- Everybody But Us Shut Up Award
- Starr Behind Bars
- Good Morning Morons
- Move over Buddy Award
- Damn Conservatives
- Politics of Meaninglessness
- Carve Clinton into Mt. Rushmore
- Too Late For Our Judging
- Quote of the Year
- 1998 Award Judges